
Students take center stage during Student Led Conferences

Student Led Conferences are an important event at The International School of Iceland.

Students Enjoying a Beautiful Autumn Day

Our students have been enjoying the beautiful weather the past few days!

Öskudagur at ISI

Öskudagur, or Ash Wednesday, was a big success at ISI this week. Students and staff in grades K-8 dressed up in costumes and played games or sang for sweets at stations around the school. Happy Ash Wednesday!

How United We Are

Students in grades 5-6 at ISI took part in a school-to-school exchange with an international school in India this week. Individuals from both countries presented their nations, highlighted challenges, and shared their visions for the future. Our thanks to Madam Ranya Shyam at the Indian embassy in Reykjavik for arranging this experience.

The Rainforest - IPC Exit Point in grades 3-4

Grade 3-4 students have been studying the Rainforest in IPC, which ended with an engaging campaign and presentation. Students raised money to protect an endangered species (the jaguar), debated the pros and cons of deforestation, and presented their knowledge of the rainforest. Many thanks for inviting us to be part of your learning!

Construction is coming along nicely!

Construction of our new school is coming along nicely and we can´t wait to welcome students to their new school building in August 2023! These pictures were taken in August, October and December, 2022 - exciting times ahead!

Prevention Week

Garðabær´s Annual Prevention Week was from Oct 5th - Oct 12th. This year's theme was Well-Being (Farsæld) and Quality Time (Samvera), emphasizing parents and their children being together. In light of this, every class invited parents to spend time with their child/ren at school.

Teachers Appreciation Day

Thanks to the wonderful PTA at ISI for the gift and a wonderful breakfast and lunch on Teacher Appreciation Day! The staff really enjoyed it!

Berry Picking!

During the first days of school students were busy setting routines and getting to know each other. On Friday, the whole school went blueberry picking in Garðahraun. Both students and staff had great fun in the sun.