Personal Projects

MYP Personal Projects at ISI

The Personal Project is the culmination of students’ work in the IB MYP program. The personal project provides an opportunity for students to undertake an independent and age-appropriate exploration into an area of personal interest. Through the process of inquiry, action and reflection, students are encouraged to demonstrate and strengthen the approaches to learning skills they’ve honed throughout their time in the program.

The personal nature of the project is important; the project allows students to explore an area that motivates and interests them. Students choose what they want to focus on, which can be an existing or a new interest, choose how to achieve their goal, and create their own success criteria for the product. The project provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and often creative product and to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning in the MYP.

The Personal Project at ISI has been implemented fully for the school year 2022-23. In school years prior, the Personal Project was included in the curriculum for Year 5 to allow for teacher reflection and adjustments to implementation. The structure of the Personal Project has been created using MYP materials.

The photos highlight snapshots of two students´ Personal Projects from 2021-2022. The links below will take you to the complete reports. We are proud of our students’ work, and are excited to see the other amazing creations in years to come! 

Full report - Example 1

Objective A: Planning

Objective B: Applying Skills

Objective C: Reflection


Full report - Example 2

Objective A: Planning

Objective B: Applying Skills

Objective C: Reflection